Becoming a successful trader is a challenge. You spend countless hours honing your skills, studying the market, and practicing sound risk management just to find a few good trades. You've put in the work, and now it's time to capitalize on that hard work with a virtually funded account. After all, one of the most pressing challenges for positive traders is undercapitalization - trading accounts that are too small.

You keep up to 90% of the gains as a virtually funded trader. For example, if your trading skills yielded a 30% return in one month, but you only have $5,000 with which to trade, a 30% return probably isn't worth the time you spent. But with $1 million in virtual funds, a 30% return where you keep up to 90% is an incredibly richer return on your valuable time.

Trading is a risky business, though; even successful traders have periods when they break even or incur losses. An undeniable benefit of trading with SurgeTrader is that you are not responsible for any losses. All losses are covered by SurgeTrader.

More than just having the opportunity to trade a large account with virtual capital, SurgeTrader improves your trading by requiring you to adhere to our straightforward trading rules, which promote strong risk management while not restricting your trading decisions. Eliminate over-trading, revenge trading, or over-leveraging. Our traders find that they learn to manage risk more responsibly simply by joining the SurgeTrader team.