The SurgeTrader program is an extremely valuable service which has been priced to support a healthy relationship between traders and SurgeTrader.

The fees charged for Auditions are the only costs our traders will ever incur, as SurgeTrader does not charge any monthly fees.  The Audition fee covers various operating expenses for SurgeTrader, including technology platforms, personnel, customer service functions, marketing and all the healthy expenditures that make a company strong.

In addition, the SurgeTrader Audition fee serves as a filter for serious traders. The SurgeTrader community only works when it comprises experienced traders who can consistently generate gains. The fee ensures that the trader is committed to the process and committed to successful, disciplined trading practices. When a trader has paid for their Audition, they are incentivized to treat their account responsibly and with the utmost care. And, for those who pass the Audition, their fee and commitment are rewarded with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in virtual capital to trade.

Finally, the best part of this arrangement for traders is that the Audition fee is the only capital they risk.