For 1 Phase Accounts:

Traders will trade the same account balance as their SurgeTrader Audition. If you traded with $500,000 for the Audition, you would also manage $500,000 worth of virtual funds in your trader account.

All SurgeTrader Audition accounts are demo accounts with virtual funding. Upon successful completion of the Audition, traders receive login credentials to a trading account with virtual funds. Traders are then entitled to 75% of gains generated in that simulated account, with the option to purchase an add-on for a 90% share of gains.

In order to trade an account with a higher account balance, you can apply for another SurgeTrader Audition. However, a trader can only have one account per Audition tier. Each account is independent and starts with an Audition.

So, for example, if you are trading a $100,000 account and wish to trade more, you can apply for a $50,000 account by taking a $50,000 SurgeTrader Audition. However, to diversify our risk and exposure, those accounts must not be traded with the same strategy, per our Terms & Conditions.


For 2 Phase Accounts:

Traders will trade the same account balance as their SurgeTrader Audition. If you traded with $500,000 for the Audition, you would also manage $500,000 worth of virtual funds in your trader account.

All SurgeTrader Audition accounts are demo accounts with virtual funding. Upon successful completion of the Audition, traders receive login credentials to a trading account with virtual funds. Traders are then entitled to 80% of returns generated in the simulated account, with the option to purchase an add-on for a 90% share of gains at the same time as the audition's purchase.

In order to trade an account with a higher account balance, you can apply for another SurgeTrader Audition. However, a trader can only have one account per Audition tier. Each account is independent and starts with an Audition.

So, for example, if you are trading a $100,000 account and wish to trade more, you can apply for a $50,000 account by taking a $50,000 SurgeTrader Audition. However, to diversify our risk and exposure, those accounts must not be traded with the same strategy, per our Terms & Conditions.


For Lightning Round Accounts:

Traders will trade the same account balance as their SurgeTrader Audition. If you traded with $100,000 for the Audition, you would also manage $100,000 worth of virtual funds in your trader account.

All SurgeTrader Audition accounts are demo accounts with virtual funding. Upon successful completion of the Audition, traders receive login credentials to a trading account with virtual funds. Traders are then entitled to 75% of returns generated in the simulated account, with the option to purchase an add-on for a 90% share of gains at the same time as the audition's purchase.

In order to trade an account with a higher account balance, you can apply for another SurgeTrader Audition. However, a trader can only have one account per Audition tier. Each account is independent and starts with an Audition.

So, for example, if you are trading a $100,000 account and wish to trade more, you can apply for a $50,000 account by taking a $50,000 SurgeTrader Audition. However, to diversify our risk and exposure, those accounts must not be traded with the same strategy, per our Terms & Conditions.